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Aviso de feriado - Ano Novo Lunar Chinês

08 de janeiro de 2025

Prezados clientes,

À medida que nos aproximamos do ano novo lunar chinês, nós da LEZ gostaríamos de expressar nossa sincera gratidão por sua confiança em trabalhar com nossas soluções de produtos no ano de 2024.

Antecipando 2025

The new year brings new opportunities, and we're hoping to have a chance to working with you to achieve mutual success. 

Whether it's supplying current products tailored to your needs or contributing to your sustainability goals,we are here to provide reliable and efficient solutions.

And as we celebrate the arrival of 2025, we look forward to the possibility of working together to create something extraordinary. 

Let's make this year a milestone for growth, collaboration, and success.

Company has planned a holiday time from Jan.23th.2025 to Feb.6th.2025, total 15 days.

During the holidays period,please contact with us if urgent.

whatsapp:+86158 1761 7745,E-mail:[email protected]

We sincerely hope that our cooperation will be smoother in the new year.

